Clark Reliance

Clark Reliance

Boiler level alarms, gauges, remote indicators Gauges & valves, steam traps, regulators, strainers
Aqseptence Group

Aqseptence Group

Wedge wire raw water intake screens Tubular, flat, or tee screen configurations Hydro-Burst® automatic air scouring system Static wedge wire screens Band screens for water intake applications Headworks screens for wastewater treatment applications Complete sizing...
AWI Systems

AWI Systems

  Fabricated stainless underdrain systems Direct retention of filter media without support gravel Air distribution systems for air/water backwash retrofits Pilot studies and audits of existing installations Iron and manganese removal...


Quarter-turn, multi-turn, and linear electric valve actuators Intelligent control/feedback system capabilities Integral motor control modules Retrofit applications for existing actuators
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